Bella Coola Community Forest Ltd (BCCFL) is a locally owned and directed forest company that manages the surrounding forest resources for the benefit of the community. Through a unique Community Forest Agreement license, the company is responsible to manage and harvest the forest in accordance with the Provincial Forest and Range Practices Act, which mandates the planning necessary to protect non-timber forest resources, establishes operational practice requirements and entrenches reforestation standards.

We conduct all the planning and field work to identify areas for harvesting, then we engineer and design roads and cutblocks. Harvest operations are conducted with the use of local contractors and workers. Logs are produced for sale to local, domestic and international customers. With this activity, the community benefits through employment and economic activity; logs for local processing and construction; roads that provide access for tourists, mushroom pickers, and recreationists to the back country; donations to local organizations; and, of increasing importance to valley residents, firewood.
The company is made up of approximately 60 local shareholders, who elect a seven member Board of Directors that run the company. The current volunteer Directors are:
- Rod Krimmer, President
- Ed Wilson, Vice-President
- Troy Gurr, Treasurer
- Barry Brekke
- Lily Pedersen
- Keith Boutwell
- Wayne Bittner
The Community Forest contributes significantly to achieving a self reliant and sustainable community through a locally controlled, financially sound and responsible community forest business that operates within the sustainable capacity of a healthy environment to enhance the quality of life for all Valley residents.
Improving Communications
In the fall of 2017, the Bella Coola Community Forest Ltd. conducted a public opinion survey. There were over 130 responses and the overwhelming message from the survey was the need for better communication.

We are committed to producing ‘The Wood Post’ newsletter on a regular basis and distribute to every mailbox. These newsletters will provide information on current operations, future plans, special announcements and hot topics.
Advisory Committee
Last year we resurrected the Community Forest Advisory Committee as a means to spread the word about the Community Forest to local organizations and to receive feedback on our plans and management of the surrounding forest. We are very appreciative of the representatives from the following participating organizations: Bella Coola Valley Tourism, Nunumus Management Limited (formerly Nuxalk Development Corporation), Rod and Gun Club, Sustainable Agricultural Society, Watershed Society, Snootli Hatchery, Trails Alliance, Arts Council, Valley Ridge Riders and others.
Open House Info Sessions
Each year we host Open House Information sessions at various venues in Bella Coola and Hagensborg. This year the sessions were held a week a part in June. Maps and our future harvest plans were featured, as well as, information on how we work to conserve forest resources, wildlife habitat and cultural values. This winter, we will be renewing our Forest Stewardship Plan and there will be additional public information sessions for people to view the draft plan and offer comments.
100 Mile “Wood Diet”
You may have heard the phrase ‘100 Mile Diet’ before. It’s used to describe a social movement to buy local foods that are grown within 100 miles of your residence. Here in the valley, at the Bella Coola Community Forest Ltd. (BCCFL), we are encouraging the concept of the 100 Mile ‘Wood’ Diet.

This concept is already happening with locally harvested and manufactured forest products made possible through the Community Forest. Our fundamental goal is to support and enhance the local craft milling sector through direct sales of logs to all operators. These local mills turn logs into a variety of quality products like squared timbers, decking and fencing, tongue and groove siding, laminated panels, flooring and construction lumber and so on. These products are then sold and used in renovations, property improvements and new facility construction, including private homes and structures in the parks.
Locally harvested and milled products are readily available for your next project.
Here is the list of local craft mills serving the Bella Coola valley :
- Bettor Enterprises
- Black Sheep Timbers
- Kopas Contracting
- Mid Valley Loading
- Sawmill Road Holdings
- Totem Sawmill Limited Partnership
Visit www.bccfl.com for contact information and details on what each business has to offer.

Currently, the sustainable harvest rate on the Community Forest is higher than the local demand and logs harvested that are above and beyond the needs of the community are transported to the lower mainland and sold in domestic and international markets. Logging is a high cost business and it is vital for continued operation that a good portion of the logs are sold outside the valley. We must do this or we would not be able to afford the development costs and therefore not be able to supply the local milling operations.
The local demand for logs and forest products is increasing yearly and we are encouraged by the slow, but steady, growth in milling capacity. By purchasing locally manufactured forest products, you effortlessly participate in the 100 Mile ‘Wood’ Diet and directly support local businesses, keep people employed, and reduce our footprint upon the earth.
Did you know…local forest products are used in furniture and even musical instruments?