Given recent controversies regarding some logging proposals, Bella Coola Community Forest Ltd was interested to find out the general opinion of residents about management of the Bella Coola Community Forest. A random phone survey was seen as the most practical way to gauge the local population’s opinions. So, a third party polling company was engaged to design and conduct the survey on BCCFL’s behalf in November, 2021. Anonymity was maintained and 127 random people agreed to participate in the survey. Statistically, the resulting margin of error was 9%.
Thanks to all the people that took the time to participate in the survey!
Key results:
- There is good approval rating of performance on key objectives: enabling forest road access, supporting local organizations & events, creating jobs, using local suppliers, local accountability, making logs available to local mills, environmentally responsible logging and provision of information.
- People that know more about the Community Forest have a more favourable impression.
- Residents in Bella Coola townsite and of indigenous origin have a less favourable impression of the Community Forest.
- A slight majority feel that logging old growth is acceptable if ecological diversity is maintained.
Bella Coola Community Forest follow up actions :
- Make survey results available to the community.
- Enhance education and information sharing program.
- Enhance effort to reach and engage Nuxalk leadership and members.
- Engage community to develop local old growth management strategy.