Mainline Road Status
Last Update: August, 2021
Road | Status | Access | Comment |
West Nusatsum FSR | Open to Purgatory lookout | 4WD recommended 2WD possible | Road and bridge repairs done in fall, 2020, bumpy with many pot holes |
East Nusatsum FSR | Open to 4 km | 2WD | Culvert washout near 4 km mark |
Clayton Falls FSR | Open to Blue Jay Lake Campground | 4WD with high clearance recommended | Brushing and extensive repair in fall 2020, many water bars, narrow sections due cut slope sluffing, dense brush on far side of Clayton pass leading to Blue Jay lake requires treatment |
East Salloompt FSR | Open to Lost Lake parking area, rough potholes and moderate brush | 2WD | – |
West Salloompt FSR | Open to gun range | 2WD | |
Talchacko FSR | Open to Gyllenspetz creek (~ 30 km) | 4WD | Prone to washouts |
Noomst FSR | Open to Noomst creek | 2WD | McCall Flats campground accessible, some minor deposits, bridge out at Noomst creek, East Noomst mainline open to 7 km |
Noosgulch FSR | Open to ~ 4 km | 2WD | Second bridge at 4 km washed out |